PHS pages

Monday, May 11, 2015

Urbat Catwalk Event pictures

Almost forgot to upload it, since i upload it in my facebook page.
anyways eto na URBAN CATWALK Event pictures.

Legion of Bass cars

Angel Montana

Dwin of Juan Rhyme

Jheyzee Manila All Star

Bebelabs Duo

Urban Catwalk Host
Diana Soto Dayao and Mc Doughboy

Mista Blaze and Miss Jaya

Models of Urban Catwalk

Ator "Bhon" Smoke

the very talented Microphone Mechanics

Blaze N Kane

Mo Thugs Philippine Chapter

Dj Ize & DJ Fully loaded

not complete but it is the head of this event 
sir Bleed & Jozza

Denial the rice Cracker

Bleed tapes

Slick n Sly Kane

Mista Blaze


Bonafide Lyricist

having awards

i have some videos here as well but i can't upload em yet.
will there be any Urban Catwalk next year? we will soon find that out.

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