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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Random Interview with Mike Swift

I was there, the first Araneta Dreams created by sir Mike Swift, i did along with 
my sister support that dream, i also write a review of that event
it was dope, it was adventurous, fearless, and can be a bit risky but it is what it is.
It's a dream by one guy who has a big faith in local hiphop, a dream that local fans shared too
and this year Road to Araneta is coming again,
i was able to talk with sir Mike Swift, so what have we discuss? 
read below:


PHS: What's up sir? whats new?

Mike Swift: Series of many things. Ever since i came into this game,
i had been consistent with newness 

PHS: i can see that your busy with something too... can you tell about us about it?

Mike Swift: Latest is the R2A 2015 journey. I basically put together a self made tour with the agenda of bringing awareness to the world about our April 9 Araneta Dreams project.

PHS: Speaking of R2A ngayon lang kita matatanong about the first R2A that happen a year ago? i have my own review of that event, pero para sayo, how was it?
do you think it went perfect? meron ka bang plano that day that didn't take place? do you have any other surprise that didn't happen?

Mike Swift: Everything went PERFECT!

PHS: is there's anything you need to improve from that first one? and what can we expect from this year april 9?

Mike Swift: We are going to improve on every aspect of our presentation. One thing you can expect...... SURPRISES!

PHS: do you think that this year can be better than the first one? do you think there's still
momentum in hiphop? or do u think it's declining

Mike Swift: I think we lost momentum on 2014 because of the many culture vultures that arrived with intentions to exploit the hotness of our hardwork.  That mixed with thirsty artists who were willing to be fooled, we fell back a step or two. But i can guarantee you a fired up and active 2015 for hiphop ignited by this R2A plan that is sure to shake up not only the pinoy hiphop scene, but to tremble the world.

PHS: sa sariling mong opinion sir although hiphop is getting some airwaves nowadays what else does Pinoy hiphop need?

Mike Swift: A make over! An international na local mover and shaker, more skilled warriors, a lesson in dignity and ethics, and a miracle! Hotter songs! We need that for sure.

PHS: Do you think we need foreign acts? does that snoop and em a teaser or a preview of something or a dream?

Mike Swift: A dream preview of a dream come true - i would love to have foreign acts, so they can open up for us in Araneta Dreams.

PHS: but like your stats a day ago, do you think they will just eat our artist, do we need them for our leverage?

Mike Swift: we can not afford them anyway, and if we can, i really would rather that money go to our locals, para naman madagdagan ang belief pa natin sa mga sarili natin at makagawa pa ng mga bagong projects na makakatulong sa pagunlad ng sariling atin!

PHS: i would agree to that sir. So with better songs, and better artist, what else do we need?
how do you think pinoys would make hiphop stronger, and ano pa kaya ang nakita natin sa R2A na di pa natin napapakita in this coming April 9

Mike Swift: Halos lahat   surprises upon surprises. I suggest for no one to blink.

PHS: to wrap this up sir... give your message to your supporters and promote what it is to promote

Mike Swift:  THE COLISEUM (Araneta Dreams 2015)  , enough said.

PHS: Lastly give your shoutouts

Mike Swift: Shout out to the universe! I know god's listening.

PHS: Thank you sir

what to expect this coming April 9, 2015??? that is for us to find out - PHS

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