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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hash One

Hash One 

Alas ng Pasay? He might not fully own this tag yet but one thing’s for sure, he’s on his way to getting that title sooner or later. Paying his dues in every way he can, Hash one has remained patient and all his hardwork finally paid off. His single Lugar ng Kampeon is nothing but FIRE! and is now one of the favorites of Hip hop heads from Batangas and Pasay. Formerly part of the group Quatro Kantos Hash One has shown tremendous improvement and control of his career and he know understands the game better as a professional. “Hash One has always been one of my favorite rappers, I am a Death Threat fan and so is he. I can feel the Beware and Hi-jakkk vibe in his rhymes” says Longevity CEO Mark Gianan a.k.a. Krazykyle. Hash One is scheduled to release his album as part of the Rapskallion TRILOGY this June. During the Rapskallion fans day one of the krazykyletv aspirants told Longevity records that his influence was Mike Kosa, Gloc 9 and Hash One. This only means one thing, the name Hash one is here to stay and this is the living proof that fame only means 2 things – you’ll get more fans and you’ll get more haters. Let’s see how this hood storyteller handles the pressure. 

Batang Musmos by Hash One 

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